Eva Pascoe | Digital Retailer

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  • Posted Apr 27, 2020
  • Written by Eva Pascoe
  • Comments Off on Home Alone – Zoom-etiquette for lockdown times
  • Retail Bytes

Horror stories abound with a full on car crash when Dad is on high profile Zoom Videoconferencing and the kids waltz in,  perfectly oblivious to the situation and 3 mln viewers on the other side. The correct behaviour is not to panic but to bring them into the meeting and introduce them and their Teddy …[ read more ]

  • Posted Apr 19, 2020
  • Written by Karolina Janicka
  • Comments Off on Opinion: Ecommerce trailblazer Eva Pascoe on how tech is still transforming retail
  • Press

Originally published on Retail Week Twenty-five years ago, Cyberia opened as the first cafe with full internet access in the world, located at 39 Whitfield Street in London’s Fitzrovia.Created to give Londoners a glimpse of the newly accessible internet, Cyberia was a warm, non-geeky place, infused with the smell of coffee from the second Lavazza coffee machine in town (the first …[ read more ]

  • Posted Apr 6, 2020
  • Written by Eva Pascoe
  • Comments Off on Home Alone – Leading in the times of pandemic – Remote team love
  • The Retail Practice, Writing

April Fools Cancelled Not business as usual this month, as instead of preparing Easter Sales, our remote teams are facing an increasingly uphill struggle to keep the show on the road. The economy is currently experiencing a death by a thousand cuts and with the current predictions of recovery being that of an “I” shape, …[ read more ]

  • Posted Mar 29, 2020
  • Written by Eva Pascoe
  • Comments Off on Home Alone – your Weekly Remote Working Trends update
  • Retail Bytes, Writing

Work From Home for Rapid Response Squads Black swan event happened on our watch and crisis tool kit is emerging as necessity is indeed the mother of all inventions. New weapons for comms In less than 2 weeks we have moved our teams from comfy physical offices to remote working set ups at home. The …[ read more ]

  • Posted Mar 22, 2020
  • Written by Eva Pascoe
  • Comments Off on To Mute or not to Mute – Leading in the times of Coronavirus
  • Blog, Writing

Working-from-home tsunami Week 1 is behind us and it has brought us some winners but also some bitter losers. Courtesy of coronavirus, over 6 mln people in UK, 1mln Londoners as well as millions across Europe and even more in US , have finally left their daily torture of long commute. Many of the newly …[ read more ]

  • Posted Mar 15, 2020
  • Written by Eva Pascoe
  • Comments Off on Home Alone – How to lead in the times of Coronavirus pandemic?
  • Blog, Writing

Boom! Full remote working has arrived and you have to lead your team thru it. Many of us have done a day or two, with a few of our teams at home or remote. Not many companies have dived it fully developing all singing and dancing home workers set up. It flies against the preconceived …[ read more ]

  • Posted Feb 26, 2020
  • Written by Eva Pascoe
  • Comments Off on Surf and Turf – the future of retail
  • Blog, Writing

The world of technology hit London’s West End in September 1994 when, for the first time, people could walk into a café, pick up their email and ‘surf the net’ for only £2.50 per hour. The physical and virtual worlds have been converging ever since, and purchases of physical goods have increasingly migrated to virtual …[ read more ]

  • Posted Nov 28, 2019
  • Written by Eva Pascoe
  • Comments Off on IGen: Time for Retail’s Roaring Twenties
  • Past Events

Eva will be attending the IGen conference on the 28th November 2019 email for invitations Sponsored by: Nuveen Real Estate 8.45-9.15 REGISTRATION AND BREAKFAST 9.15-9.30 WELCOME AND OPENING REMARKS Mark Faithfull, Editor, Retail Property Analyst Myles White, Head of European Retail, Nuveen Real Estate SESSION 1: CONSUMERS 9.30-10.00 MODERN LIVES: Work, live, shop Microsoft’s new …[ read more ]

  • Posted Nov 19, 2019
  • Written by Eva Pascoe
  • Comments Off on Every little helps: what next for retail in London?
  • Blog

The Era of Shopocene is fast coming to an end as high street shops are becoming a relic of the past. But high streets are not just places to shop, they’re valuble social, cultural and commercial spaces too. The Mayor must do more to protect them. In a sci-fi novel written in the1950s, the hero …[ read more ]

  • Posted Nov 3, 2019
  • Written by Eva Pascoe
  • Comments Off on New York retail revival – [retail bytes]
  • Retail Bytes

October in New York is a warm and cosy affair, with our team hard at work setting up Xmas campaings for our UK clients in the Big Apple as well as hunting for retail gold and new store concepts.  Spooky Showfields New York retail has been battered with occupancy rates plummeting over the last 18 …[ read more ]

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