Monday, April 22nd, 2024
Fashion and lifestyle brands have been working hard over the last few years to improve retail sustainability. Earth Day is a good opportunity to check progress, pin down what needs fixing and celebrate a few of the achievements. One of the ways to help the planet turns out to be to drink more local beer
Friday, December 31st, 2021
By Wael Elazab It’s the season to be jolly-well consuming, but can we do so sustainably, ethically and economically? From two-person startups to corporate conglomerates, environmental sustainability is almost a staple of operations, and more shoppers are...
Tuesday, July 11th, 2000
Zoom, the fashion portal and internet fulfilment company, will today launch a service for retailers wishing to go online, covering everything from website design through to ordering, delivery and customer service. It has signed up Actif Group,...
Sunday, June 4th, 2000
What does it it take to make a dotcom succeed? Hard work, a highly developed sense of fun and, as Sally Kinnes finds out, 48 hours in every day. Behind a brick facade in Soho’s Dean Street,...
Wednesday, March 15th, 2000
Shopping portal and Internet service provider (ISP) became the latest Web company to offer completely free Internet access on Wednesday. The service is due to go live in six weeks. The ISP’s existing 150,000 members will...
Monday, November 1st, 1999
Eva Pascoe, co-founder of Cyberia and MD of She co-founded the first Internet cafe in the UK in 1994, sorted out an e-commerce strategy for fashion giant, Arcadia, and is now in charge of a huge...
Thursday, June 17th, 1999
Women who want the full monty can now get it on the Web at a new cybershopping mall called Zoom. In fact, they can get far more than the full Montague Burton group, now called Arcadia. The...