Eva Pascoe | Digital Retailer
  • Oct 13, 2019
  • Eva Pascoe
  • Comments Off on Round table panel with Eva Pascoe – Organised by Centre for London
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21st November 2019, Russel Square

A roundtable discussion on the potential to transform London’s city centre into a thriving social city centre.

Central London is home to iconic green and public spaces, national museums and cultural attractions, world-famous retail districts, top universities, the machinery of both national and city-wide government, and the monarchy. It is responsible for one-third of London’s jobs, and almost one-tenth of the economic output of the entire UK and is crucial for continued national prosperity. 

But central London is facing significant challenges. The impact of automation, the collapse of the high street, and the possibility of an economic shock of Brexit, could all play a role in undermining its success.  

Against this backdrop, Centre for London is hosting a high-level roundtable to explore what is needed to keep central London thriving as a sociable and economic city centre. This discussion will draw on our latest publication of London ideas, a magazine which helps develop and promote ideas that can help London and other cities. 

The event will bring together London’s business and cultural leaders, experts and innovators to discuss:

  • How will businesses, cultural institutions and employers need to adapt to help Central London thrive? 
  • What is the role of the big employers, cultural and anchor institutions in driving innovation in the city? 

Please email eva@never.com if you would like to join and for more details

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