Eva Pascoe | Digital Retailer
  • Oct 8, 2018
  • Karolina Janicka
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Location: Develop Croydon
Date: 20th November 2018


Croydon’s retail offer is about to undergo major regeneration, but how will this cater for both the young and old as the population in the town centre grows and diversifies? How has the online offering affected its industrial sector and what effect will the new shopping centre have on this? Can online and physical retail work together to create the ideal shopping and leisure experience for all ages?

Questions we will address:

How to kick start a creative hub in new development? How is retail getting disrupted by new pop-up culture? Where to invest to attract Millennials? What is the best strategy for commercial property investors and how city planners can get ahead of the digital revolution?

Eva has co-authored High Street Grimsey Review and will share findings from case studies and real-life examples of the successful paths to thriving new as well as regenerated urban hubs.

Eva pioneered ecommerce in UK, as Arcadia Group’s first director for ecommerce. She has 20 years in e-retail technologies, developing the fashion web shop for Topshop and omnichannel formats for UK and European chains. As Ecom/ Shopify Plus director at The Retail Practice, she supports digital growth of online fashion and food brands. Eva actively invests in digital fashion startups and advises on Crowdcube fundraising.


Full Programme
City Planning students – email eva@never.com for student tickets

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